I had a lot of fun working on this, I definitely had bigger plans but the overall concept of the story is what I loved. I really wanted to make something fun based in the hero world with goofy characters. My original plan was to have all of the characters personally illustrated but a lot of these characters are really just based off of characters that I loved already so I figured they would work better. I'm a big reptile person so when creating the concept of the story I wanted to make something based off of something I loved. It just worked perfectly that BirdMan attorney at law had already thought of the character first. The concept of a superhero that had lizard powers just furthered the brainstorming and development of the stories goofy theme. I think my biggest thing was to not take it too seriously while being able to put as much effort as possible into his character. Looking at his powers, neither he nor anyone else in his group are really superheroes, they are just unique, which was a subtle theme that I wanted to have in this story. That in its own way being unique is in itself, a super power.In order to give the character depth there was a contrast to his wants and needs that he shared with several other characters in the story. Lizard Man lives in a world of countless heroes but only a select few can be deemed super. So his want is his drive to become recognized as a real hero and throughout the story you see his ego bleed through depending on the choices you make. However his need is to be accepted by his peers, to find people that will support him no matter how “super” he really is. The story really forces Lizard Man into conflict, because I felt that it was the best way to push the story along while giving me the ability to create the choices that were congruent with his wants and needs without hopefully being too antiseptic. Using conflict was the easiest story beat as a hero trying to prove himself to a world full of hero’s. There were other ideas I had floating around but I thought that this theme would be the most interesting. In my mind I tried using subtle comedy to try and keep the reader interested at the beginning before any real choices were made. Just joking around and being goofy with the characters and their word play was my hope of creating interest in the beginning. Then once the story starts to develop I switch to action in contrast to the heavily worded beginning.I think that a lot of stories like to take that route as far as light hearted stories go. The beginning has more thought out jokes and whatnot and as the story develops the comedy aspect is not necessarily left behind but it's put in the back-burners to put more emphasis on the development of the story. 

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